Dreamstate in the Meantime
ooooh, clever, clever, clever


I know it's hardly been 9 hours since the last posting, but I told myself that I was going to try and post once a day. Tonight's going to be really hard to get that done as I'm going down to my sister's to help with the yearly Thomassing and keep her from killing herself, even though, I really don't have the time to be doing it at all.

Hmm, so here's the question. If I don't have time to post anything of substance, should I post at all? It does cover up the funnier entry behind it, after all. But I wanted to be good. Bright as a star in my promise. I missed a few days in there and I feel like those days were lost completely to my memory and the world. I hope I don't begin to rely too heartily on this to keep my thoughts together, to tie me to the world.

So, I get to see the cats today, which is very important to me since I haven't seen them in...over a month. Yes, it's very serious. I miss them. I'm basically entirely alone up here, which is not without its great benefits, but a darling kitty does seem to make time pass very quickly if you just sit and contemplate its darlingness.

You know what I want really bad now? A cannoli. I've never had one. I think that me and a cannoli'd do very well together.

And you know what, I really still hate jocks/sorority girls. I just still really do.

Oooooh, breakfast sounds better than sitting here, so bye!

9:37 a.m. :: comment ::
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