Dreamstate in the Meantime
ooooh, clever, clever, clever

I'm being followed by a moonshadow

Fucking ought to stay away from things you know nothing about.

Target practice is for Mexico.

I've become spectacular,

which is strange,

cause I feel dumb.

From that grave, there grew a tree.

Every now and then, I get a little bit terrified.

Every now and then, I fall apart.

I have a friend who's lonely

she's chasing after her dreams

and she's the one and only

who knows how hard it will be.

I'm in a building that has two thousand floors. And when they all fall down, you gotta know it's you they're falling for.

When they do their double dutch, that's them dancing.

I'm gonna win, I'm gonna beg, steal, or borrow. As long as you follow.

I realized she had put a spell on me.

Well, bless my soul, all the things I've heard on the corner of Faith and Blind.

I lost my power in this world

cause I did not use it.

For you, the sun will be shining.

You are an important part of the computer.

Wanting more just to feel like I'm heard.

Well, it's something to believe in.

I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me.

I think I'm lost among the undergrowth.

You forget the sun in its jealous sky as we walk in fields of gold.

Isn't it good tonight?

And the truth I keep pushing aside is that it's time to walk away.

4:37 p.m. :: comment ::
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